Akashic Record Clearing


Your Akashic Records are in your quantum subconscious and comprise the Book of your Life, containing events and experiences of your life so far, connections to Past Lives and predictions for a possible future. These sacred texts are stored in the Halls of Amenti, said to be the space between the soul realm and the physical and emotional world.

Being able to access your records enables you to direct your Higher Soul, alongside your Akashic Masters, to clear your records, and quantum subconscious, of specific energies that are no longer useful and some that are not even yours. You are then able to instruct what you wish to step forward with, writing your wishes into your clearer energy field and records for the future.


As soon as you sign up, you will be sent a preparation sheet to help you get clear on the aspects you wish to attend to in the session the Sphere of Light Meditation. We will exchange emails to assist with the shape of your session to enable the best use of time when we are live.

We’ll meet on Zoom at the allotted time, have a brief chat to hone the focus and then settle you into your meditation space to enter your inner realm. You are encouraged to stay conscious throughout to engage with the process. If you find you have been drawn away into non-sleep deep rest, know that your subconscious mind will still be engaged with the process. Sometimes the conscious mind needs to be overridden initially for access to deep soul connection.

The contract we make is for my Higher Soul to be with your Higher Soul in support and alongside your Akashic Masters and spiritual support team, to ensure you make the clear changes you now need to grow.

The clearing covers a very comprehensive list relating to almost every part of your soul and its intentions, including a broad and thorough sweep-through all areas to ensure you are running on an optimally aligned and smooth flowing inner structure.

It is important to have your specific intentions to clear, as you will have an opportunity to request these via your Akashic Masters: like a releasing of fear, anxiety or old patterns of stuck-ness. You may have a block somewhere in this lifetime or a past life that just does not feel right, it could be ancestral or a health issue of some kind, or a lo-vibed emotion you are ready to release.

You will also get to clear a specific Soul Contract with someone you have low vibrational history with and a call to sever ties with characters you are no longer aligned with.

We complete with you writing into your records your best wishes to step forwards into your life with and end in gratitude and a closing of your records.

The session is recorded, with unlimited access to the replay, enabling repetition for a deepening of the process as and when you wish.

On booking you gain immediate access to the Sphere of Light meditation and a Full Moon General Clearing recording.

Clara is trained in Akashic Record Clearing by Adrian Lee.

Cost £121 with x3 sessions £333

Find out more about hybrid here: 1:1 consultations with Clara



Akashic Record Clearing Recordings


I can’t thank you enough for today’s clearing! It was beyond incredible! I’m always amazed at the ability to connect with such deep and powerful energies online while feeling so safe and grounded in my own home.

You hold such profound space and are so compassionate right through the entire process, from booking to talking through the process and then of course, guiding the session. I could feel a lot of internal movement within my system as well as skin sensations.
I also felt a deep knowing that a certain relationship was able to shift to another, more positive level.  I was also struggling with back pain prior to session and it disappeared as soon as I got off the call!

There were other synchronicities that occurred within hours of completing the clearing. I’m incredibly grateful. Much love.
Chris S
Thank you Clara for such a mind blowing experience with the Akashic Record Clearing session. I was surprised just how powerful this session was via a video call! I remember the first words I said to you as I came out were “wow… that’s a lot” because there was so much going on at once.
I was being guided by you one minute, then floating off into a trip of my own along with it seeing past life memories, lots of floating pictures of life times flashing before my eyes. Rushes of energy transmission feelings of chi rippling throughout my body as I was being upgraded, and a massive body jolt during the entity removal. I was gifted a message and instantly felt like what needed to shift had. I was energised and lighter.
It has been a week since our session and I have noticed the shift playing out in my life. Thank you so much for a transformative experience.💗
Jenna Presley
Clara holds space with such kind and nurturing energy, it’s easy to instantly feel at ease in her presence. I didn’t know what to expect when it came to the Akashic record clearing session, but Clara gently led the way and I felt very relaxed through her meditation.
I had some physical symptoms come up during the session along with some old emotions I hadn’t considered for a long time and after the session they disappeared so I felt like they had been cleared out.
The person I nominated for the soul contract work also changed last minute, so you never know where the session might take you! I’d highly recommend Clara for your Akashic record clearing and I look forward to working with her again in the future.
Amy M
Thank you again for my session yesterday, it really did feel like so many threads came together to resolve 🙏

I felt particularly strongly when we worked on the chosen specific contract to be released and the only way I can describe was almost like a life review, with things flashing up only for an instant but full of knowing, bringing clarity and making sense of things i’ve seen and experienced along my path. It felt like a domino effect, all tapping the next and the next!

I felt your energy and the way you held space, gave me the chance to really immerse in the process and I felt strongly grounded even though my experiences felt quite ‘other-worldly’. Thank you so much!
I knew that Clara was a wonderfully clear conduit for healing energy, due to my Reiki attunement with her a few years ago. So I was interested in an Akashic Record Clearing session in December 2023.

I wanted to clear procrastination, move away from escapism and clear a soul contract within a ‘stuck’ long term friendship. The session itself felt really good, Clara certainly took me on a cool journey! Two mornings later I was the observer of myself in a dream where I was killed and someone pulled the stab weapon out of me and I came back to life! New beginnings indeed.

Since the session I’ve had more focus on my priorities in life and my daily practices have fallen back into place. I’m living more healthily and the relationship with my friend feels much more spacious. I’m feeling very optimistic about 2024! Thank you Clara!
Martin C
I got goosebumps upon goosebumps in my session with Clara. I realised that a major part of why I’d come to Glastonbury, was to work with her; she has a complete skill set and is such a master of energy. I couldn’t have done the clearing with anyone else. It’s incredible what she’s giving. I did quite a lot of healing work around my relationship with my Dad. By the end, I felt in a much better place and was able to link in with happy memories we’ve shared together.

Since doing my session I’ve had some big shifts; I’ve reengaged with a project that I’d shelved for two years, as I now feel ready to take it on. It feels like I’ve found my voice again. Would highly recommend this work with Clara.
Kate Abbott
The entire session was fabulous. Beautiful, beautifully done. Deep and rich. The bowls with their different tones brought so much to it. I had such deep changes that I am really too tired to write this. I don’t remember ever being this tired, which is indicative of huge clearing and deep changes. Thank you so very much.
Lisa J
Thats the calmest I’ve been in months, thank you. I could regulate my breathing. At one point I felt I was here, but I wasn’t here.. I’m asleep but there’s someone here with me, so I knew something was going on. It was like a shamanic journey and galactic journey all in one.
Kelley Popovitch
Very powerful and connecting for all parts of myself, you have a lovely voice ! I must say last night I was very calm and present and almost spacious inside . This morning I have the usual thoughts and workings out of life etc going on in my head but without the fear.
Ali Imlack