Clear with Clara
Do you feel held back from living your most magnificent life by outdated patterns, blocks and lingering Soul Contracts? With a keen set of clearing techniques and your focus and determination, we’ll help you release what no longer serves you, reconnect you with your true essence, Soul Purpose and empower you to nurture yourself fully.
I’ve been there myself. As a single mum and former costume designer, my journey shifted dramatically after a debilitating RSI forced me to let go of my old career. Through energy healing practices, I reclaimed my health and found a new path, and dedicated myself to sharing these healthful ways by guiding others in Qigong, Meditation, Reiki, EFT, Colour Psychology, Akashic Record Clearing and more.
In all my work, clearing is at the foundation; releasing tension, anxiety and fear opens doors to receive new energy, and even allows us to heal across lifetimes. In this fresh space you can vision in your immediate, near and far future with clarity and purpose.
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Coiling Silk Qigong : GrandMaster Ken Cohen
Chi Time TV Youtube channel
Like to hear more about these kind of topics in a podcast? See Chi Time TV on YouTube and Clara Apollo’s Chi Time on all podcast streaming platforms. With discussions on the energy behind everything and how you can nurture and cultivate your own for a clearer, kinder, more energy rich and abundant life.