That was a lovely session indeed! I definitely needed it, although part of me felt so tired and worn out that I would rather have slept, but this was a better alternative and a true blessing! Thank you also for all your comments; it’s very helpful to hear about what others are going through. It eases the loneliness.
Monika Ingemels
Elemental Qigong
What a lovely session that was yesterday evening! I’ve done a few similar meditations and they are always helpful (and I find guided visualisation particularly good in stopping my thoughts from wandering) but the water bit added something extra (I was pretty well immersed this time) It also felt great to do it with others and I’m sure the sum of a group is more than its parts, if that makes sense.
Corinna Hoare
Elemental Qigong
I really am super grateful that you have opened up this space, you really are so special.
Thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful energy practice all those years ago at a Conscious Living Event I attended. Little did I know that one small step I took to go there that evening would have a profoundly positive impact on my life and what I put out to the world. Gaining you as a dear friend and regular mentor for Qigong is a really special gift I am forever grateful for.
Thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful energy practice all those years ago at a Conscious Living Event I attended. Little did I know that one small step I took to go there that evening would have a profoundly positive impact on my life and what I put out to the world. Gaining you as a dear friend and regular mentor for Qigong is a really special gift I am forever grateful for.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
I just wanted to drop by to properly thank you for your wonderful session last night. At times I felt I was floating I was so relaxed and I can’t believe how quickly the session went with being so immersed in it, one minute it started then we were closing… I was like woooah.. time perception shifted so beautifully gentle and kind, nourishing yet expansive.. thank you.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for a beautiful session Clara, I was super exhausted yesterday and it was lovely to have the sun on my face and your guidance through the session, was so needed.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
You are so intuitive and able to create beautiful content so however that is shared, it will be lovingly received by many Qi followers.
You are amazing and have a beautiful energy that is so needed in this world, what you bring creates opportunities to birth new realities and expansion.
You are amazing and have a beautiful energy that is so needed in this world, what you bring creates opportunities to birth new realities and expansion.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for bringing a calming and safe space for us this morning, it was so welcome for me after very little sleep last night, I appreciate you and all that you bring to our sessions.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
Thank you sooo much for a lush session today, was super lovely to catch up with you all and get into the flow. Lungs felt way clearer today, been getting pain in one spot recently, then I had a bit of kidney pain on the right after session but then it was fine, so i think it shifted and released something!! So thank you!
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
What a gift you are. Thank you, this was so much what I needed this morning.
I love the slow and conscious movements you teach. Mmmmmmm!!
I love the slow and conscious movements you teach. Mmmmmmm!!
Mel Vickers
Elemental Qigong
Just wanted to drop by to properly thank you for your wonderful session last night. At times I felt I was floating I was so relaxed and I can’t believe how quickly the session went with being so immersed in it, one minute it started then we were closing… I was like woooah.. time perception shifted so beautifully gentle and kind, nourishing yet expansive.. thank you.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
I’ve just done session 3, (getting up an hour earlier ) and so have caught up to join you all this evening! How exciting! I’m feeling so soft and easy throughout my body and have a big smile on my face! Thank you Clara. What bliss you create!
Corinne Jackson
Elemental Qigong
Thank you so much for today Clara, it’s really lovely to have something to look forward to each week, and have support and encouragement.
Lisa Evangelou
Elemental Qigong
I so enjoyed the replay this morning experiencing an almost overwhelming sense of stillness, peace and activated chi!
Thank you Clara.
Sending peace and love to you all.
Thank you Clara.
Sending peace and love to you all.
Elemental Qigong
I am feeling very grounded after our session and my shoulders especially feel much more open. I’m aware of how much tension I was holding there now.
My biggest takeaway was at the very start actually with your way of being; not to put myself under pressure to be anything other than as I am and just to arrive before listening to what I need to do in that moment. Removing all expectation created the foundation for the practice. I also have an appreciation for the power that can be built from seemingly small movement.
My biggest takeaway was at the very start actually with your way of being; not to put myself under pressure to be anything other than as I am and just to arrive before listening to what I need to do in that moment. Removing all expectation created the foundation for the practice. I also have an appreciation for the power that can be built from seemingly small movement.
Michelle Hawkins-Collins
Elemental Qigong
Clara Apollo thanks so much. I’ve gone from adrenaline fuelled, sleep deprived, buzzy overcooked to floating on a cloud of acceptance and ease 😍 xxx
Mel Vickers
Elemental Qigong
Clara, thank you. That was my first experience of Qi Gong and it was truly wonderful. I feel such a sense of calm for my day ahead. Thank you and see you next Saturday x
Wendy Apsland
Elemental Qigong
You have a beautiful way of sharing your knowledge, Clara. Thank you.
Claire D
Elemental Qigong
Love – BIG Love, wonderful session, really enjoy your instructions x
Heidi Feldborg
Elemental Qigong
I’m still noticing things have changed. My head and eyes feel clearer I have no current niggling aches and pains ; my thoughts are clearer and uncluttered. I’ve only noticed this now, because they have gone.
These benefits are true of your classes too Clara ; I feel the day long session increased the effects all to the good.
These benefits are true of your classes too Clara ; I feel the day long session increased the effects all to the good.
Paul Beauchamp
Elemental Qigong
Thank you so very very much for so generously sharing your day off and expertise with me. I so appreciate your amazing golden energy and loving holding space. It was a time of inspiration and I was quite surprised at how you managed to guide me through so much.
Jo Vere Nichol
Elemental Qigong
Thank you so much, Clara …. This was so powerful. You guide us so clearly and beautifully. I learn so much each time… Thank you
Jane Marshall
Elemental Qigong
Just watched you, so happy to join. Love your intuitive chi stuff, resonate so well, so informative, rich and relaxed. Your passion for chi makes me exercise daily chi, love it! This is what I so love about Qigong, inner strength and love.
Nanette C
Elemental Qigong
Qigong makes me laugh again like when I was a child, the tingling in my belly, warm feet and hands, the awareness of the smile, a good sleep, but most of all, a more and more joyful and peaceful life.
Nanette C
Elemental Qigong
The depth I experience practicing qigong is not easy to describe. Surrendering to my shattered thoughts, the list I haven’t finished, are like weeds in the vegetable garden.
Nanette C
Elemental Qigong
Always do-ing exercises and stretching my body to the max, with qigong it’s such a discovery observing the energy when it starts to flow, a feeling of deep caring and calming in my body occurs, I’d never thought that could actually happen in the stillness of the subtle stretching movement.
Nanette C
Elemental Qigong
New to Clara’s training, I can already feel the gentle, powerful energy coming from Clara’s presence and practice. The encouragement to go at our own pace and to make it our own, together with Clara’s expertise, humour, kind and genuine interest, makes this teaching a lovely balanced and healing support.
Jane Still
Elemental Qigong
This my first time doing Qigong. I came into this opened minded wasn’t really expecting to feel different in anyway but wow! In 6weeks my whole life journey has turned around in an amazing way. I never stopped still for one thing, so simply standing still, breathing, finding my balance and inner chi has been truly overwhelming. As the sessions have developed I’ve felt an amazing surge of healing energy in my hands and body. I’ve also experienced lots of emotional releasing and letting go of old lineage.The replay option has been so useful having time to reconnect and go over sessions when needed, and through our meditation the word that has come to me is ‘Colossal,’my Qigong journey. I thank you Clara looking forward to the next 6weeks to unfold with Fire element. 🧡
Helen W
Elemental Qigong
Very much looking forward to starting this 6 week programme , Qigong is providing me with so many blessings and stability in these extraordinary times.
Jacks Alsa
Elemental Qigong
Qigong brings you into the ‘back’ of you- ah! Thank you for this great little golden dose, Clara, really benefitted from your wise words & deep soul tonight.
The community you foster with your work is such a great one, and I know that practicing Qigong is the best thing I could do for myself. Your teaching style is truly inspiring, Clara!
The community you foster with your work is such a great one, and I know that practicing Qigong is the best thing I could do for myself. Your teaching style is truly inspiring, Clara!
Kristin F
Elemental Qigong
Wow !! This morning I did the replay of Clara’s Equinox Event, and found it exquisite – and so wanted to thank you Clara for putting on such a beautiful event, and for sharing your Light with us in this group (& the wider world). I was feeling a little out of sorts this morning but by the time I’d finished the replay I felt balanced, grounded & relaxed – the perfect “portal into peacefulness”.
I have a tendency to be quite yang, and loved your references to the “dynamic dance of the yin-yang” and the beautiful moves we did to help bring balance in & harmonise the masculine & feminine energies. I felt my shoulder & neck tension drop away as we did so – beautiful !
I have a tendency to be quite yang, and loved your references to the “dynamic dance of the yin-yang” and the beautiful moves we did to help bring balance in & harmonise the masculine & feminine energies. I felt my shoulder & neck tension drop away as we did so – beautiful !
Ginny Evans
Elemental Qigong
Thank-you for being such a Beautiful Spirit Clara 🙂 – I’m so enjoying doing Qigong under your kind & lovely guidance. And the Live@Fives are exquisite!
I’m so glad I’ve found my way to you and Qigong :-).
I’m so glad I’ve found my way to you and Qigong :-).
Ginny Evans
Elemental Qigong
I love your classes and so appreciate you and the gifts you share with us all. I feel we have a lovely community in Elemental Qigong with you as our Wise Way-shower – one that helps anchor us all during these challenging times.”
Ginny Evans
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for the wonderful content you are sharing. Your authenticity and presence is grounding and refreshing.
Ginny Evans
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for the wonderful content you are sharing. Your authenticity and presence is grounding and refreshing.
Mary Falkenstern
Elemental Qigong
You give us a visual and auditory framework within which we can have our individual experience to explore what the qi is for us, and how it’s showing itself to me in the moment – sometimes it doesn’t it show up how we think it will! It is exciting because you can’t contain it.
Tara R
Elemental Qigong
After my first session, I walked away on cloud 9, stopped halfway on my journey home and took a deep breath and sighed in appreciation and gratitude for the experience; for a truth I had not been conscious of – I’d been sleep walking.
Tara R
Elemental Qigong
My thought was I’ve just got to have much more of this, I need the change this can bring.
Tara R
Elemental Qigong
Chi is something you’ve felt before that you’ve not been able to describe to anybody – it feels like a homecoming.
Lynn May
Elemental Qigong
Such a grounded & relaxed feeling of reconnection – mind & body balanced…bliss, & that was only the introduction!
June G
Elemental Qigong
Thank you Clara, felt so good to feel it all and be aware of where i had energy ‘stuck’ i think thats the term…. I feel clear and ready to tackle some things.
Kelly Quinn
Elemental Qigong
Physical meditation adds an undeniable element of depth, so you move through your mindset and emotional baggage in a very visceral way. It incorporates both letting go and building you up. You will definitely feel ‘more’ than when you started…
Sarah Moores
Elemental Qigong
My legs are getting really strong, and it’s easy to feel both at one with the universe and be empowered my body at the same time.
Sarah Moores
Elemental Qigong
Thoroughly worth doing. Clara clearly explains things to you in a calm and helpful way. The two courses have been very helpful and even brought up exercises I haven’t done for years. Many 🙏
Keith Johnson
Elemental Qigong
Clara has a magical and playful way of presenting Qigong and has a very clear way of teaching and informing us of all the levels within ourselves that we can work with. I really enjoy her colourful ways and her own unique path with Qigong that brings it in to our lives with ease and beautiful description making the sessions feel delicious.
Elemental Qigong
You got to do it for your mental health and long term physical well being. Deeper peace and happiness levels rise. Take your time and persist with it, it can be frustrating at times.
Extra gratitude to Clara and a big thanks for introducing me to this practice
Extra gratitude to Clara and a big thanks for introducing me to this practice
Angus Young
Elemental Qigong
I’m still riding the surge of chi engendered by our meeting
Elemental Qigong
Clara’s wisdom training is a portal into a deeper experience of your qigong.
In Clara I have found a teacher who speaks the same (body) language as me and so provides tuition and insights just when I need them without my needing to ask.
In Clara’s Wisdom training you are tapping into the power of the universe and taking it with you. As you finish your wisdom training course you will stand for more of what you believe in and will be encouraged to be guided from within. I now feel I exude a kind of magic that I knew was there, but couldn’t quite connect with the frequency of all the time.
In Clara I have found a teacher who speaks the same (body) language as me and so provides tuition and insights just when I need them without my needing to ask.
In Clara’s Wisdom training you are tapping into the power of the universe and taking it with you. As you finish your wisdom training course you will stand for more of what you believe in and will be encouraged to be guided from within. I now feel I exude a kind of magic that I knew was there, but couldn’t quite connect with the frequency of all the time.
Sarah Moores
Elemental Qigong
Clara, you emanate calm vibes consistently, in your own space and in our shared space. Your centredness is clear in every move you make. You are encouraging, understanding, helpful and certain in everything you teach, all with a sense of humour I need and appreciate. I love the experience of doing courses and classes with you and what I’ve gained so far I know is only the beginning. Thank you so much.
Roni N
Elemental Qigong
I’ve been doing this wonderful journey of Qigong for over a year now. It has brought immense changes to my life, some subtle and some too bloomin’ obvious to believe. Has my life changed a lot in the last year? It sure has, and I believe that regular practice of this branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine has aligned me in many ways and is very holistic to whole wellness, and empowered life force from the bubbling well we all have inside us, if we know how to use it. The slow movements take a bit of getting used to, I ain’t gonna lie, however the strength that comes from them is vital, and encourages a whole new way of relating to the body. If you feeling like exploring this powerful healing practice and empowering your own health, oh yes you can, then check out what’s on offer.
Jude S
Elemental Qigong
I love the smiling meditation! Very gentle and flowing elements to the session which felt like they were conducted without ‘thought’. Very Tao and super-powerful.
Sue L
Elemental Qigong
The concept of stillness within movement i did find strange at first. I had practised meditation as part of Yoga, but the idea of consciously stilling the breath and body during exercise was foreign to me. Now I find it quite empowering. As a result I am a lot more conscious of my breathing and in the real world, find ‘belly breathing’ very therapeutic.
June G
Elemental Qigong
I had only done Qigong for about two weeks, and I noticed a marked difference in my energy levels. My energy had been severely depleted due to my work, and I began to notice I wasn’t so tired, and still had some fuel in the reserve tank by the end of the day! In conjunction with this I was so much more grounded, and less stressed. This after only a couple of weeks is truly amazing!
If this is what a few weeks does I’m excited to continue my qigong practice to accumulate and reap the benefits of Qi.
If this is what a few weeks does I’m excited to continue my qigong practice to accumulate and reap the benefits of Qi.
Elemental Qigong
It’s lovely to be sharing this movement of positive flow you speak about.
I did the replay yesterday and am always grateful to be reminded about the benefits of practicing WuJi for a longer time.
Your summary of the post session share was so succinct and really resonated with my experience, especially the desire to ‘do’ the next part and a feeling of impatience which then draws me, or part of myself, away from the present and consequently a feeling of emptiness and not being satiated, as you put it.
I really love and appreciate the way in which you are able to articulate in such a clear manner, both in your writing and verbally, very informative and enriching. Thank you.
I did the replay yesterday and am always grateful to be reminded about the benefits of practicing WuJi for a longer time.
Your summary of the post session share was so succinct and really resonated with my experience, especially the desire to ‘do’ the next part and a feeling of impatience which then draws me, or part of myself, away from the present and consequently a feeling of emptiness and not being satiated, as you put it.
I really love and appreciate the way in which you are able to articulate in such a clear manner, both in your writing and verbally, very informative and enriching. Thank you.
Sue A
Elemental Qigong
I found today’s session so restorative and nourishing on so many levels. As I mentioned, the MFB took on a whole new depth of experience that was so releasing, unlike the million others I’ve done previously. Really surrendered into it. I very much got the message about taking care of your body and it will take care of you. I felt this not just on a physical level but in an embodied, more unified way. So, thanks Clara for a really lovely session today 🙏x
Sue A
Elemental Qigong
There is truly something magical about your classes.
Liz N
I am not a Tai Chi teacher.
I am a Qi Gong teacher and Clara Apollo’s teachings have reinforced that. It’s soul food.
I am a Qi Gong teacher and Clara Apollo’s teachings have reinforced that. It’s soul food.
Michelle Gratton
Elemental Qigong
The power of the chi… wow….After the shake out my body felt completely different, more centered and stable. the chi in my tummy felt so powerful and I live with constant tummy trouble so I really think this is going to help massively.
Alison Bredin
Elemental Qigong
Trusting the ebb & flow I’ve been struggling for a long, long time with grounding. I do daily Tai Chi with classes 3x week. I use crystals, walk barefoot on the sand and grass, do the Roy Masters pushing down meditation and still I feel blocked. My chi feels like it is getting weaker…I’m hoping to find ways to tap into what my body is telling me so that I can give it what it needs. I watched your video this morning, I totally agree that rest is so very important. My body seems to want to rest alot at the moment. I am trying to go with it. AFTER SPINAL TURNING “Just turning my neck, there were lots of cracks. After the swinging arms and touching organs I felt quite emotional, smiling and yet tears. I feel very centred and peaceful now. Beautiful. Thank you.
Maralyn Macvicar
Elemental Qigong
This is a great opportunity, for everybody to get ready for the big changes in the world we are facing now. The only way for us to overcome this period is by increasing our vitality and by staying in the HERE and NOW.
Chi Kung is the only exercise I know which gives you more energy and teaches you how to stay in the “here and now”.
Clara is, for me, the best teacher of energy-work that I have found in my search in the last 30 years.
And out of my own experience, I know the best way to get into deeper levels is, when you do it on a retreat over several days.
Thanks Clara, for giving us this opportunity.
Chi Kung is the only exercise I know which gives you more energy and teaches you how to stay in the “here and now”.
Clara is, for me, the best teacher of energy-work that I have found in my search in the last 30 years.
And out of my own experience, I know the best way to get into deeper levels is, when you do it on a retreat over several days.
Thanks Clara, for giving us this opportunity.
Lothar R
Elemental Qigong
It’s lovely to be back and sharing this movement of positive flow you speak about, especially after quite a demanding time over the festive period where the need for replenishment becomes very apparent.
Sue A
I’ve had really good results with this, Yesterday I did the Chi Yoga, ….and honestly I felt so good after it, …I laid down for half an hour and my energy felt so good, I was questioning it, thinking is this coincedence, I’m defianetly keeping this one on the favourites
You are one super teacher Clara Apollo, and I love your assistant Miss Melody
You are one super teacher Clara Apollo, and I love your assistant Miss Melody
Diane Lundrigan
Elemental Qigong
Just done your Qigong!
Great stuff thank you.
This was my first experience of Qigong. Really like your delivery and I am not just saying that. That suits me. and I found it to be very relaxing and stress freeing. Your delivery is clear, direct and easy to follow. That suits me. Qigong seems a great way to maintain our wellness! Love and light
Great stuff thank you.
This was my first experience of Qigong. Really like your delivery and I am not just saying that. That suits me. and I found it to be very relaxing and stress freeing. Your delivery is clear, direct and easy to follow. That suits me. Qigong seems a great way to maintain our wellness! Love and light
Billy Harvey
Elemental Qigong
I have explored Qigong and other energy practices with many different teachers over my time, including some high profile ones. Today I experienced a fresh delight, precision and clarity of focus, a response to the authentic embodiment we are all being called to now. The session with Clara was a truly precise inquiry in the moment! Loved it!
Jeanette KM
Elemental Qigong
I discovered Chi kung through Tai chi; I was finding that I was enjoying the warm up exercises at the beginning of the session more than the Tai chi itself.
I had been looking for something to keep me fit and also to help me relax. I had been through a particularly bad few years with two lots of breast cancer and had also developed Crohn’s disease. As a result of surgery, I also had lymphoedema in my arms which needed some gentle exercise to help the fluid drain. Chi Kung fitted the bill exactly, combining the body and the mind.
Chi Kung helps me in many ways. It provides gentle exercise for my whole body keeping my joints supple. I have learnt the importance of using my breath to help me to relax. I have discovered an inner energy that I did not know existed and have learnt how to harness that to help me when necessary. I now find that I have more energy and don’t feel as tired as I used to.
The most important thing that I have learnt from Chi Kung is how to relax and how not to become stressed. I did not realise until I started practising Chi Kung how tense parts of my body often were; for example, I discovered that I always tensed my shoulders when driving. Having learnt how it felt to have relaxed shoulders, I now find it easy to recognise when the tension is creeping back in and know what I can do to stop it. Having practised Chi Kung for nearly seven years, I am now able to drop in to a relaxed mode in touch with my inner chi.
Chi Kung empowers you to listen to your body and to understand what you can do yourself to help yourself in so many ways.
An advantage of Chi Kung is that you can practise anywhere and at any time. When the need has arisen, I have often sneaked in some Chi Kung exercises when in a public place. Nobody knows what you are doing but you can give yourself some valuable re-energising. I do a lot of hill walking. At the top of a mountain after a long climb, I love simply standing in the Wu Chi position… taking in the lovely view, breathing the mountain air and feeling in touch with the elements around me.
One of my favourite exercises is The White Crane form. I find it very meditative and relaxing. There is nothing better than practising the form outside on a lovely warm sunny day surrounded by nature. I even practise some chi kung at the end of my swimming sessions; some exercises really lend themselves to being done in the water – figure of eight, flying dragon, bear walking.
Ultimately Chi Kung is about combining your body, your mind, your breath and nature to help you to use that inner energy that we all have. It has now become an important part of my life and often creeps in when I least expect it!
“The world may not be peaceful, but we can do much to create peace within.” (Kenneth S Cohen).
I had been looking for something to keep me fit and also to help me relax. I had been through a particularly bad few years with two lots of breast cancer and had also developed Crohn’s disease. As a result of surgery, I also had lymphoedema in my arms which needed some gentle exercise to help the fluid drain. Chi Kung fitted the bill exactly, combining the body and the mind.
Chi Kung helps me in many ways. It provides gentle exercise for my whole body keeping my joints supple. I have learnt the importance of using my breath to help me to relax. I have discovered an inner energy that I did not know existed and have learnt how to harness that to help me when necessary. I now find that I have more energy and don’t feel as tired as I used to.
The most important thing that I have learnt from Chi Kung is how to relax and how not to become stressed. I did not realise until I started practising Chi Kung how tense parts of my body often were; for example, I discovered that I always tensed my shoulders when driving. Having learnt how it felt to have relaxed shoulders, I now find it easy to recognise when the tension is creeping back in and know what I can do to stop it. Having practised Chi Kung for nearly seven years, I am now able to drop in to a relaxed mode in touch with my inner chi.
Chi Kung empowers you to listen to your body and to understand what you can do yourself to help yourself in so many ways.
An advantage of Chi Kung is that you can practise anywhere and at any time. When the need has arisen, I have often sneaked in some Chi Kung exercises when in a public place. Nobody knows what you are doing but you can give yourself some valuable re-energising. I do a lot of hill walking. At the top of a mountain after a long climb, I love simply standing in the Wu Chi position… taking in the lovely view, breathing the mountain air and feeling in touch with the elements around me.
One of my favourite exercises is The White Crane form. I find it very meditative and relaxing. There is nothing better than practising the form outside on a lovely warm sunny day surrounded by nature. I even practise some chi kung at the end of my swimming sessions; some exercises really lend themselves to being done in the water – figure of eight, flying dragon, bear walking.
Ultimately Chi Kung is about combining your body, your mind, your breath and nature to help you to use that inner energy that we all have. It has now become an important part of my life and often creeps in when I least expect it!
“The world may not be peaceful, but we can do much to create peace within.” (Kenneth S Cohen).
Anne Pinnock
Elemental Qigong
Chi Kung increases my energy levels following each session. I no longer experience the tiredness I associate with more conventional exercise plans.
Sue W
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for the Chi meditation videos Clara, so nourishing, relaxing and energizing
Elemental Qigong
Thank you for this Clara 🙏 felt great afterwards, clearer and body felt lighter. Loved the shaking into the ground part… very powerful 😊❤️
Arianne Harvey
Elemental Qigong
Really loving ♾️ very easy to do at any time, I find it very soothing, soft and intensifies being fully present in my body 🙏🏽💗
Elemental Qigong
I really enjoyed your clearing & integrating 1. Did it in a really meditative state as I followed your voice. Felt really good & expansive & shall definitely revisit. Thank you for sharing with us xxx
Ali Seaman
Elemental Qigong