Water, water everywhere…

Water is the first element we are aware of in the home of our Mother’s womb. We are since composed of around 70% water, so it’s clearly the element that is most ‘us’. We are certainly emotional beings, inextricably liked to the moon cycles. We feel things ‘in our waters’. The composition of water (H2O)…
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The ‘Do-Be’ Dance

To do or to be, that is a real question these days… These active and passive aspects of ourselves are two sides to the Yin Yang dancing coin of exploring balance. Doing expands, expresses and uses up vital life force. Being returns us to replenishment, quietude and calm. Without being, there is little resource for…
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The Power of Repetition 

Behavioural science shows us that what we repeat we become. Our upbringing reinforces learned behaviours from our great grandparents and generations beyond them. We repeat these behaviours and responses which in turn affects how we view and respond to the world. Memories of traumatic events have been shown to be stored in our DNA and…
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